Dr. Eckhard Szimba
- Gruppenleiter
- Sprechstunden: dienstags 11-12 Uhr
- Raum: Waldhornstraße 27, Geb. 01.96, 3. OG, Raum 303
- Tel.: +49 721 608-47689
- Fax: +49 721 608-48923
- szimba ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Waldhornstr. 27
76131 Karlsruhe
Forschungsinteressen / Research interests
- Assessment and evaluation methodologies
- Assessment and evaluation of transport policies and mobility concepts
- Socio-economic impacts of autonomous mobility concepts
- Macroscopic transport demand modelling
- Development of transport policy assessment instruments
- European transport infrastructure planning and policy
- Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T)
- Interdependence between transport infrastructure projects
- Mega infrastructure projects
- Information systems for transport policy and research
- General features of transport economics
Lehre / Teaching
- Transportökonomie (Vorlesung)
- Güterverkehr (Vorlesung)
- Seminar "Ausgewählte Aspekte der europäischen Verkehrsplanung und -modellierung" (Seminar)
Projekte / Projects
Country-to-City-Bridge: integrating autonomous on-demand shuttles with conventional public transport
The new Federal Transport Infrastructure and Mobility Plan 2040: reform proposals with special consideration of environmental concerns
autoTram: Analysis and assessment of automation functions in tramways
MobileCityGame: Development of a serious game to explore urban transport policies
SuMo-Rhine: Sustainable Mobility in the Upper Rhine Region
HIGH-TOOL: Strategic high-level transport model (project coordinator)
TRIP: Transport Research & Innovation Portal
HERMES: High Efficient and Reliable arrangeMEnts for CroSsmodal Transport.
ETISplus: European Transport policy Information System, Development and implementation of data collection methodology for EU transport modelling.
iTREN-2030: Integrated transport and energy baseline until 2030.
WORLDNET: Worldwide cargo flows.
Socio-economic expert for: Urban Transport Master Plan - Bucharest, Sibiu and Ploiesti.
Rail Baltica: Feasibility study on Rail Baltica railways.
TINA Turkey: Technical Assistance to Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA) Turkey.
TRANS-TOOLS: TOOLS for Transport forecasting And Scenario testing.
EUN-STAT: Scenarios, traffic forecasts and analysis of traffic flows including countries neighbouring the European Union.
MuSTT: Multi-stakeholder European Targeted Action for Sustainable Tourism and Transport.
TEN-STAC: Scenarios, Traffic forecasts and Analysis of Corridors on the Trans-European network.
ETIS-BASE: Core Database Development for the European Transport Policy Information System (ETIS).
IASON: Integrated Assessment of Spatial Economic and Network Effects of Transport Investments and Policies.
THINK-UP: Thematic Network to Understand Mobility Prediction.
SCENES: Modelling and methodology for analysing the interrelationship between external developments and European transport.
SCENARIOS: Scenarios for Trans-European Networks.
STEMM: Strategic European Multi-Modal Modelling.
Ausgewählte Publikationen / selected publications |
Ausgewählte Vorträge / selected presentations |
Gutachtertätigkeiten / involvement as external expert |