July 2023: Key Challenges of Sustainable Urban Transport Planning – Lessons Learnt from Surveys Among Local Authorities in a Transnational Context, World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2023, Montreal.
July 2023: How to prevent behaviour change caused by infrastructure disruptions? Lessons learnt from an indicent-related interruption on the main railfreight corridor in Europe, Special Session "Embracing Disruption in Transportation" by TransportNET, World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2023, Montreal.
May 2023: Welche Vorteile bringt autonomes Fahren den Nutzerinnen und Nutzern? Eine Analyse aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht, Afterwork Vortrag im Rahmen der Wissenswoche Mobilität in der Triangel.
May 2023: A holistic view of autonomous vehicles on user costs – implications for transport policy, DFG Workshop "Transport policy in the age of autonomous vehicles", TU Dresden, Institute of Transport and Economics.
March 2023: with Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec and Amalia Polydoropoulou: Strategic transport research views - passenger land transport, 20 years TransportNET event, Antwerp.
November 2021: Challenges of mobility planning at municipal level, final event of the SuMo-Rhine project "Supporting sustainable mobility in the Upper Rhine region", Universität Freiburg, FELIS.
September 2021: Panel member of the sessions “Economic challenges of sustainable transport – How to develop green business cases?" and "Competitive advantage or disadvantage of zero emission transport", Euro-Trans Conference, Warsaw.
December 2020: Herausforderungen urbaner Verkehrsplanung – Ergebnisse aus dem SuMo-Rhine Projekt, SuMo-Rhine Workshop „Kommunale Perspektiven“ zur Förderung der nachhaltigen Mobilität in der Oberrheinregion, Online.
June 2019: Verkehr, Umwelt, Wirtschaft: Was kann Verkehrspolitik? Effektvoll, Tag der offenen Tür am KIT, Karlsruhe.
May 2019: Assessing Travel Time Savings and User Benefits of Automated Driving – A Case Study for a Commuting Relation, 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India.
December 2018: The HIGH-TOOL model – a strategic assessment instrument for evaluating European transport policies and concepts, Seminar at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp.
December 2018: Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis and specific challenges of evaluating transport infrastructure projects, guest lecture for the TransportNET Course "Welfare Economics", University of Antwerp.
December 2018: Panel member at the Stakeholder Seminar "Promoting sustainable energy use in the transport sector of the Danube Region – Towards a uniform policy assessment methodology", Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Budapest.
October 2018: Europäische Verkehrspolitik – ambitionierte Strategien für eine nachhaltige und nutzerfreundliche Mobilität der Zukunft, Rotary Club Karlsruhe-Baden, Karlsruhe.
November 2017: Common Transport Policy of the EU, policy assessment, and the strategic policy assessment model HIGH-TOOL, guest lecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest.
November 2017: Das HIGH-TOOL-Modell – ein strategisches Instrument zur quantitativen Bewertung von Verkehrspolitiken und -konzepten, Verkehrsausschuss der Industrie- und Handelskammer Karlsruhe, Muggensturm.
September 2017: How beneficial is fully automated driving in urban areas from a socio-economic point of view? Conference "Future City 2017: Urban Sustainable Development and Mobility", Hanoi, Vietnam.
October 2016: HIGH-TOOL – A Strategic Assessment Tool for Evaluating EU Transport Policies, European Transport Conference (ETC), Barcelona, Spain.
July 2016: A Decision Support Tool for the Strategic Assessment of Transport Policies - Structure of the Tool and Key Features, 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Shanghai, China.
October 2015: Sustainability targets of EU transport policy and its implications for the development of a high-level strategic transport policy assessment tool, Workshop of the WCTRS Special Interest Group E1, Transport Systems Analysis & Economic Evaluation, on "Sustainability as a new evaluation measure for Transport Systems: Climate Change Perspective”, Istanbul, Turkey.
September 2015: The HIGH-TOOL project – key objectives and overall approach, HIGH-TOOL session at the European Transport Conference (ETC), Frankfurt, Germany.
May 2014: Development of a strategic high-level transport policy assessment tool - HIGH-TOOL, Workshop on research collaboration, Istanbul, Turkey.
May 2014: ETISplus - Overview of Project Outputs, Workshop on research collaboration, Istanbul, Turkey.
July 2013: How to Reflect the Issue of Risks in Transport Infrastructure Appraisal: Synthesis of Methods and Best Practices, World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
July 2013: The Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP), Special Session on the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
January 2012: Networks and Level-of-Service data, ETISplus Workshop – The Future of ETIS, Brussels, Belgium.
December 2011: Barriers to intermodality and interconnectivity of passenger transport, Final HERMES Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
May 2011: ETISplus: Road network, impedances and link load data. ETISplus Road Data Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.
May 2011: TRANS-TOOLS: Road data gaps. ETISplus Road Data Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.
November 2010: ETISplus: Rail networks, impedances and link load data. ETISplus Rail Data Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.
November 2010: TRANS-TOOLS: Rail data gaps. ETISplus Rail Data Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.
July 2010: Interdependence among Transport Infrastructure Projects – A Challenge for Cost-Benefit Analysis. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal.
January 2010: Passenger transport demand modelling at European level – Political background, methods, and application examples. Guest lecture at the University of Maryland, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Glenn Martin Hall, Maryland, USA.
October 2009: The iTREN-2030 Integrated Scenario: transport infrastructure scenario. Final Conference of the iTREN-2030 project, Brussels, Belgium.
April 2009: iTREN-2030 – passenger transport demand forecasts for the Reference Scenario 2030. iTREN-2030 Workshop Integrated scenario on transport and energy until 2030 and potential impact of the economic crisis on transport, Brussels, Belgium.
February 2009: Entwicklung der Güterverkehrsnachfrage in Polen, Weißrussland und der Ukraine. Expertentreffen der internationalen Initiativgruppe zur Restrukturierung der Ost-West-Wasserstraße Dnjepr-Bug-Weichsel-Oder, Karlsruhe, Germany.
June 2008: WORLDNET – metodología y fundamentos. 3° Seminario WORLDNET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
May 2008: WORLDNET – methodology and assumptions. 2nd WORLDNET Seminar, Beijing, China.
April 2008: WORLDNET: Road and rail network database. 1st WORLDNET Seminar, Istanbul, Turkey.
January 2008: Status: Extension of the rail and road network models. Interactions WORLDNET/ TEN-CONNECT as concerns rail/ road network model development. TRANS-TOOLS coordination meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
July 2007: Passenger rail tariffs in Europe - an approach for modeling direct user costs under consideration of market segment and country-specific peculiarities. World Conference on Transport Research, Berkeley, USA.
May 2007: Input-Referat – Erfahrung mit Europäischen Verkehrsmodellen. Workshop “Weiterentwicklung Verkehrsmodell Österreich”, organised by Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit), Wolkersdorf, Austria.
April 2007: Traffic Forecasts 2020. Workshop 3, Technical Assistance to Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA) Turkey, Ankara, Turkey.
November 2006: Passenger Transport – Forecasting Results and Impacts on Regional Accessibility. Rail Baltica Steering Group meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
October 2006: Results of the Feasibility Study on the Rail Baltica railways: passenger forecasts and impacts on regional accessibility. Rail Baltica working group meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.