TINA Turkey

  • Ansprechperson:

    Dr. Eckhard Szimba

  • Förderung:

    Im Auftrag der Europäischen Kommission und CFCU (Central Finance and Contracts Unit) Ankara

  • Starttermin:


  • Endtermin:


TINA Turkey: Technical Assistance to Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA) for Turkey.


Project Funding

The project was funded by the European Union and the CFCU, Ankara.



Project summary

The objective of the TINA Turkey project (carried out within the period of time 2005-2007) was to identify a core multi-modal transport network within the Republic of Turkey and to extend the European Union's Trans-European Transport Networks to Turkey. Following parts of the transport infrastructure were in the scope of the analyses: road and railway network, as well as seaports and airports.

The project is divided into three main activities. First, the development of a traffic forecasting model and the projection of traffic flows for 2020. This task was achieved by an extension of the existing VACLAV/ NEAC modelling platform to Turkey. Second, a multimodal core network was defined and analysed, and, subsequently, potential network investments were prioritised by means of a Multi-Criteria Analysis. Third, a common database was developed using GIS technologies.

The results of the project form the basis for the negotiations between the Turkish government and the European Commission on Chapter 21 – Trans-European networks.

IWW was responsible for the computation of a passenger O/D matrix for the modes road, rail and air and the generation of passenger demand forecasts for each of the infrastructure scenarios. Furthermore, the traffic assignment for the modes road, rail and air were in the scope of IWW's tasks.


Final report

Available under this link

