TRKC 2.0

  • funding:

    European Commission

  • startdate:


  • enddate:


Project Funding

The iTREN-2030 project was funded by the European Commission (DG Mobility Transport) under the 6th RTD Programme.



Project summary

Within the TRKC 2.0 project, the existing Transport Research Knowledge Centre (TRKC) of the European Union is maintained and extended. TRKC is the European Union's portal for providing access to transport research projects - particularly EU funded projects, but also research projects by EU member states, EU neighbouring countries and a selected number of other countries. Besides the Internet platform with information on finished and on going research projects, TRKC embraces the compilation of 'Thematic Research Summaries' - which give an overview of research carried out within acertain area-, and the production of 'Policy Brochures', in which policy fields are related to outcomes of research projects. These publications are elaborated under participation of members of the TRKC 2.0 Support Network. TRKC 2.0 is accompanied by extensive dissemination activities.

IWW is the coordinator of the content related work, among others dealing with the elaboration of Policy Brochures and Thematic Research Summaries. Moreover, KIT takes part in the process of collecting information on new research projects to be implemented into the system. 

