• contact:

    Dr. Eckhard Szimba

  • startdate:


  • enddate:


 HIGH-TOOL: Strategic high-level transport model



Project funding

The HIGH-TOOL project is funded by the European Commission (DG Mobility and Transport) under FP7.



Project summary

The HIGH-TOOL project is developing a free and open source, high-level strategic transport model to assess the economic, social and environmental impacts of EU transport policy. The HIGH-TOOL model will allow quick scanning of transport policy options by the European Commission. Input and output indicators of the model will be based on policy targets of the White Paper 2011 and the Roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy in 2050, but may also be relevant to other areas of transport policy. The EC’s Impact Assessment Guidelines will serve as an important reference to define the model’s output variables.

The model will serve as a pre-selection tool for policy options that will be further evaluated by more detailed models. The HIGH-TOOL model will be calibrated against official statistics (EUROSTAT, EEA etc.) and consistency between the model and the EU 2012 Reference Scenario will be ensured.

The model will be introduced successively during the project in order to facilitate the participation of potential users: the prototype version will be provided at an early stage, and will be largely based on existing and previous meta-models such as EXPEDITE, SUMMA or TRANSVISIONS. This prototype will be extended continuously by substituting and/or refining the modelling formulation and by adding further functionalities. This evolution process will be carried out under the involvement of users, and under consideration of results from testing and validation processes.

KIT (ECON, network economics) is the co-ordinator of the project, has key responsibility in the development of the passenger demand module, and is involved in most content tasks.

